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Vemu Blood FAQ'S

Eligibility to donate blood?

Who Can

Let others benefit from your good health. Do donate blood if

  • you are between age group of 18-60 years.
  • your weight is 55 kgs or more.
  • your haemoglobin is 10.5 gm% minimum.
  • your last blood donation was 3 months earlier.

Who Can not

Do not donate blood if you have any of these conditions

  • cold / fever in the past 1 week.
  • under treatment with antibiotics or any other medication.
  • cardiac problems, hypertension, epilepsy, diabetes (on insulin therapy), history of cancer,chronic kidney or liver disease, bleeding tendencies, venereal disease etc.
  • major surgery in the last 6 months.
  • vaccination in the last 24 hours.
  • had a miscarriage in the last 6 months or have been pregnant / lactating in the last one year.
  • had fainting attacks during last donation.
  • have regularly received treatment with blood products.
  • shared a needle to inject drugs/ have history of drug addiction.
  • had sexual relations with different partners or with a high risk individual.
  • been tested positive for antibodies to HIV.

What's the difference between whole blood donation and automated donation (apheresis)?

Blood contains several components: red blood cells, platelets, white blood cells and plasma. During a whole blood donation, donors typically donate approximately 1 pint of blood. During platelet or plasma donation, your blood is collected and then separated into its components by a machine; the machine keeps the platelets or plasma and returns the rest to you. Your blood stays confined within a single-use sterile tubing kit and sterile equipment, so the process is completely safe. This procedure allows you to donate more frequently.

Why should I donate blood?

Safe blood saves lives and improves health. Blood transfusion is needed for, women with complications of pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancies and haemorrhage before, during or after childbirth. Children with severe anaemia often resulting from malaria or malnutrition. People with severe trauma following man-made and natural disasters, and many complex medical and surgical procedures and cancer patients.

Will donating blood hurt?

You might feel a slight sting in the beginning lasting only a couple of seconds, but there should be no discomfort during the donation.

Can one donate blood after 60 years of age if he/she is physically fit?

Yes, medically speaking, there would be nothing wrong.

Can one donate blood if one’s body weight is less than 45 kg?

Not desirable. But in extreme emergency, a margial difference in weight to the tune of 1 to 2 kg is not harmful, so long as body weight x 8ml is above or equal to the volume of donation.

Why 3 months’ interval has been stipulated though donated blood is recuperated within 21 days?

As an additional precautionary measure for safety of donor.

What laboratory tests are performed in blood bank for each bag of collected blood?

Jaundice (Hepatitis B & C) · Malaria · HIV (AIDS) test · Venereal disease (STD) · Blood Group · Before issuing blood, compatibility tests (cross matching) are done.

Can I donate if I have a cold, flu or fever?

You must be symptom-free from cold, flu or fever on the day of donation

Can I donate if I recently had a tattoo or ear or body piercing?

Donors with tattoos or ear or body piercings need to speak to Blood Donor Center staff to determine eligibility.

How much blood is taken?

For a whole blood donation, approximately 500 ml or one-half liter of blood is collected. For donations of other blood products, such as platelet or plasma, the amount collected depends on your height, weight and platelet count.